... Hambruch; Hambühren; Hamelwörden; Hamelwördener Defensionsdeich; Hamelwördenermoor; Hamersen; Hamerstorf; Hamfehr; Hammah; Hammahermoor; Hammersbeck; Hamwiede; Handorf; Hanglüss; Hänigsen; Hankenbostel; Hankensbüttel; Hanrade; Hansahlen ; Hanschhorst ..... GenealogyBlog is sponsored by our favorite hotel in Salt Lake City - the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel. It's next door to the library! Check out their Genealogy Specials by clicking on the photo. Leland & Patty Meitzler ...
As our kids prepare for summer bvacation/b, I thought this was an apt moment for roll call on our own high-school pedigrees. We've mentioned many times how high-school friendships helped shape our tastes and our identities as cultural subversives. b...../b I got kicked out of Patrick Henry, but I shared a year there with Dave Klowden, Ted Friedman, John bHanrady/b and Londis and lots of others. You guys remember Terry Saltzman? Who else? Oh yeah Rosie Constantino, Uta Tillman (an ...